Био Инженеринг Доо е основана во 1998 година како компанија за проектирање, производство и монтирање на прочистителни станици за фекални и индустриски отпадни води, со мали, средни и големи капацитети. Со текот на времето дејностa ја проширивме кон микробиологија на храна и вода, како и персонализирана медицина.

Еколошки безбедни и одржливи решенија за отпадните води од различни индустриски гранки, земјоделски стопанства, станбени и урбани комплески, како и управување со опасен отпад и ревитализација на загадени површини. ​​

The microbiology laboratory at the Dr. Kungulovski Research Center for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology is a specialized laboratory for microbiological testing of all types of water, food, and other types of samples.​

Лабораторијата за Генетика и Персонализирана Медицина во склоп на Жан Митрев клиниката е првата лабораторија во регионот која ја имплементира персонализираната медицина користејќи ги молекуларно-биолошките и геномските техники. ​​




We are aware of our responsibility in environmental management and sustainable development. With our services and products, we enable you to be good stewards of the environment, and to help preserve it.

Ivan Kungulovski, PhD


As a family business, we value the relationship with you as partners, and we respect your importance as collaborators who convey our expertise and who help consumers choose the best product.

Ivan Kungulovski, PhD


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Gold medal award at the patent and innovation fair in Nuremberg, Germany (2005), for the patent "Treatment plant for the detoxification of industrial waste water using granular microorganisms".

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"Wastewater treatment plant for detoxification of industrial waste water using granular microorganisms" – declared patent of the year, Republic of Macedonia (2005).

Gold leaf award from the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Republic of Macedonia (2005), for the patent "Wastewater treatment plant for detoxification of industrial wastewater using granular microorganisms".

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Gold medal award at the patent and innovation fair in Nuremberg, Germany (2009), for the patent "Treatment plant for the biological treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater in a modular sequential system (SB reactor) using bioactive sludge enriched with mixed cultures of microorganisms".

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"Wastewater treatment plant for biological treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater in a modular sequential system (SB reactor) using bioactive sludge enriched with mixed cultures of microorganisms" - declared the patent of the year, Republic of Macedonia (2009).

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Gold medal award for high academic achievements from the Ministry of Science of Russia (2009).

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Award "Creativity and innovation in everyday life" (2009) from the ambassador of the European Union in Macedonia, Erwan Fouéré, for the patent "Wastewater treatment plant for detoxification of industrial wastewater using granular microorganisms".

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